Kalymnos climbing course

A 5 days tailored-made climbing course is ideal for all levels from beginners to advanced climbers. With this course we focus on individual’s need. The strong points of the climber are enforced. The weak points are evaluated.  With exercises and tools we work to improve the weak points.

Conor joined a 5 days tailor-made climbing course on Kalymnos in September 2020. I have had a great time climbing with you Conor  and helping you improving your technique. Your motivation and energy to learn and improve helped the flow of the coaching. I feel so lucky sharing my passion for climbing through teaching.

Conor’s review after a 5 days tailor-made instructed climbing program on Kalymnos:

 »I had the fantastic pleasure of taking Tania’s intermediate climbing course for 5 days in Kalymnos and I loved every minute of it! Tania is an incredible teacher. She invested lots of time and effort to tailor the experience to exactly what I needed to improve – step-by-step introducing me to new skills, building up my repertoire, gradually expanding my comfort zone, and climbing different areas of Kalymnos while doing so. Her excellent teaching methods have hugely helped build my confidence leading climbs outdoors, all the while having a lot of fun while doing it! She recognised where my lead climbing confidence was at the start of the course and gradually stretched my comfort zone, carefully and deliberately building up to doing steeper lead climbs over the course of the week and me feeling completely comfortable taking falls. By the end of the week I was feeling comfortable doing harder climbs and the thought of falling wasn’t even on my mind. We practiced lots of different things throughout the week and each lesson was reinforced by being able to use it over the next few days. For example, over the course of the week the progression that Tania tailored for me was: – Working on footwork and body position at the start (while leading) which I then had lots of practice doing over the next few days. At the same time, she introduced me to some of the routes in the famous Grande Grotta area to get an idea of the more 3 dimensional forms of climbing that Kalymnos has to offer, and to start getting used to seeing different styles of climbing. – We did lead climbing slabs on to get used to leading while in my comfort zone, which we soon followed up with by getting more used to the vertical routes and some practice falls. – With the experience of the vertical routes we then progressed to doing steeper routes and some harder problems whilst still remembering all the lessons from before and working in other advice – such as learning to engage my shoulders more when hanging from a straight arm and aiming to be more conscious about how I am climbing and moving and what I feel. The impact Tania has had on my climbing cannot be understated – I’ve learnt so many things and have so much more knowledge about how to get more out of my climbing. While climbing she would point things out to me, and at the bottom after the climb she would give me feedback and pointers to think about next. All the advice she gave me along the way helped build this up and created a very strong baseline for me to feel confident and to keep improving my climbing in the future. It is really clear to see how enthusiastic she is about both teaching and climbing, and how much energy she puts in to it. This is very evident in how well she tailored the course to my needs, and how she was always very personable and excited about the climbing and showing what beautiful Kalymnos has to offer. I massively appreciate the work she put in to the course – it’s been incredibly rewarding for me as a student! I highly recommend climbing with Tania (It’s a must!)! It was an incredible experience for me and one that I’ll never forget, and I feel very fortunate to have had to opportunity to take her course. Thanks for everything Tania!  »

Thank you Conor for the review, i feel overwhelmed and very thankful for the feedback! I wish you the best for your climbing steps and evolution ! Hopefully we will climb again together.